Dear Valued Members of the AVOTEO Community!

We are excited to share several developments that signal a new era for AVOTEO.

As we navigate the evolving blockchain landscape, we are making strategic changes to ensure our project not only survives and meets the expectations of our community but even surpasses them.

1. Team Evolution: Our journey towards innovation and excellence involves some changes within our team structure. We will be parting ways with certain team members while welcoming new talent into the fold. These changes are aimed at boosting AVOTEO's capabilities and assembling a new organizational chart to propel us forward. We will share more details about the team transition in due time.

2. Leadership Renewal: In conjunction with our team's evolution, we will introduce new leadership to guide AVOTEO towards new heights of success. Our new leadership team brings a wealth of experience and fresh insights critical for our next growth phase.

3. Brand New Platform: We are thrilled to announce the development of a groundbreaking new platform, featuring state-of-the-art logic set to redefine our operational framework. The specifics of this exciting development will be unveiled in March, promising a system that is more efficient, user-friendly, and capable of delivering superior value, in order to attract new investors and promising new projects.

4. Token Transition: Aligning with our innovative platform overhaul, we will introduce a new token and we are evaluating on which chain deploying it in order to obtain the best volumes. To ensure a fair and seamless transition for our current token holders, the vesting of old tokens will begin 6 months after launch, with distributions planned monthly over a 2 year period. This strategy is designed to ensure a smooth transition and align with our vision for the future, permitting the token price to grow.

5. Trading Stop: To facilitate the smooth launch of our new token, we will stop trading activities for the current contract. We will provide our community with sufficient notice to prepare for this, ensuring a seamless transition for all involved. Tokens purchased before the trading stop will be replaced by the new contract based on the same logic that was mentioned in the previous point.

6. Website and Resource Refresh: Our digital presence is getting an upgrade. A new website is currently in development to host our updated whitepaper, a detailed roadmap, and additional resources. This platform will act as the central hub for all official information and updates concerning AVOTEO.

7. Unified Communication: To improve our communication and foster a stronger community, we are consolidating our chat channels. Moving forward, announcements will be disseminated across various language-specific channels, but interactive chats will be centralized in our main channel. This change aims to improve information clarity and accessibility for all community members.

8. Anticipated Partnerships: We are on the brink of forging new partnerships that promise to enhance the AVOTEO ecosystem significantly. While details remain confidential at this stage, these collaborations are expected to bring innovative solutions and opportunities to our community. Stay tuned for official announcements regarding these exciting partnerships in the future.

We recognize that these announcements may generate both excitement and questions. Rest assured, we are committed to transparency and will share more information as it becomes available in the coming weeks. Thank you for your unwavering support and faith in AVOTEO.

Together, we will begin a new chapter filled with growth, innovation, and unparalleled success.

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